My Overcoming One »



The tiny boy with the bright blue eyes

Looked up and said to me

Can I live here a long, long time?

Three months, if you’d agree.

Three months? I said, to the blue eyed boy

That isn’t long you see,

For an eight year old to have a mom…

A dad…a family.

He looked out the window at the dog outside,

The yard, the tire swing tree,

He thought a moment, looked up and said,

How bout till I turn thirteen?

Such low hopes, I  thought, of the blue eyed boy,

to want so little from me

Just a mom who cared, a roof and food

Until he turned thirteen.

I looked down at the innocent boy

Who knew not what a family could be

And wondered about the life he’d had…

That he wanted so little from me

Not a special toy or money or games

Did he ask for in his plea

He just wanted a place to live for a while,

To stay for a month or three.

What must have happened to this small boy

What horrors did befall?

To want for nothing, save for grace

Just three months, that is all.

Nothing else did he desire,

Just someone to call him son;

He is a survivor, my blue eyed boy,

My overcoming one.

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