I was just two weeks into motherhood when I took a job at the Dairy Queen on 28th drive and Cactus in Phoenix, Arizona and …

I was just two weeks into motherhood when I took a job at the Dairy Queen on 28th drive and Cactus in Phoenix, Arizona and …
I’ve gotten used to flying in small planes. In fact, I prefer it immensely over large planes. I figure, if a forty ton jet loses …
When winter blends in to the fall that precedes And darkness consumes us and sunlight recedes Tall spears of ice, from the roofs edge they …
My daughter Destini wrote this for a class this year…I thought it was really good so I thought I’d share. Destini is eighteen years old …
He came to us in the summer, four years ago with a chip on his shoulder, a mouth with no filter, and a yearning for …
This weeks Scenic Sunday is created entirely by Robin Riley, age 15. This summer Robin set her sights on a camera and did what it …
BMOM “If I had only one friend left…I’d want it to be you.” Recommended Articles
My lantern oil just dimmed to nothing and left me in complete darkness but for the glow of my laptop and the internet box blinking …
It was noon on a sunny summer day last June when Dan and I decided on the spur of the moment to hike in to …
It was more than forty years ago that my in-laws, just after giving birth to their seventh child (my husband) purchased an acre of land. …
This is not going to be well written, of that I am sure. It’s late at night, I’m tired, and I have computer access for …
Found a couple of caribou on the side of the road… Attended Salmon Stock at the Kenai Peninsula Fairgrounds… Worked on the floor and wall …
I don’t remember being covered in bruises, blood and broken skin on a daily basis as a child…perhaps that is the key difference between little …
Written summer, 2010…warning…this piece is long…but worth the read (or at least look at the photographs of true Alaska wilderness.) We were eighteen steps down …
Found in Cooper Landing, Alaska…fighting it’s way thru the asphalt “Did you hear about the rose that grew from a crack in the concrete? Proving …
Robin the week she came to us…what’s not to love, right?! Tonight while making dinner, the boys were swapping scar stories, as boys do. Steven …
It’s about 11:30 at night and Anthony just knocked on my bedroom door to show me a poem he’d written. This work will make more …
With Father’s Day upon us, I’ve spent some time trying to put together a piece about what makes a “father” become a “dad”. I’ve scribbled …
Had a wonderful Mother’s Day evening with new friends… THIS WEEK I MY LIFE I… Got some pretty good shots of this young eagle carrying …
I’m sitting here at 11 p.m. the night before Mother’s Day. Anthony, age 11, is here with me. He’s sleeping on the couch tonight so …
Startled a flock of geese…more than once. This week in my life I… Wondered if Luke knows he is small… Watched Anthony fall in love …
When I was a kid in Kasilof, Alaska, there was a honey store about a mile down the road. We’d pedal down there, present our …
This week in my life… “Go ahead…try to get to your truck.” “Going somewhere?” Icicle…cheaper than a chew toy. Spoiled “Hint…hint…” New Mama…my fridge is …
Someday I hope to live child-free. And in order see that fantasy happen, I have to get them out of my house…independent…living on their own. …
I watched a great sunset instead of going to the gym… This Week In My Life I… The small boys built dragons… I did a …
As I sit in the Alaska dark, waiting for Spring, I can feel the grit beneath my nails, the sweat across the back of my …
Sandi and I had escaped, kid free…which says a lot considering between us we have twelve children…and were laughing our way across Tustumena lake headed …
witnessed beauty on the Kenai River… This week in my life I… Made friends with this guy… Took the boys out woodcutting…(that’s right…bravely sharing my …
The tiny boy with the bright blue eyes Looked up and said to me Can I live here a long, long time? Three months, if …
I rarely talk with my long term kids about their early childhood in front of the other kids. For some reason I’ve always hesitated…I didn’t …
Last year my daughter was assigned to interview a person about their job for school. She asked, “Can I interview my mom?” “Does she work?” …
A while back I had Billy into the local clinic for a sports physical. The doctor scanned his chart, did some quick work with his …
Anderson Hill, near Ninilchik, Alaska… In celebration of our first completed week doing our schooling at home…and after all the kids were finished with their …
A few weeks ago my mother’s wedding ring fell from her finger while she was shopping in town. Now, this is a small town…so there …
I just found the lunch I was supposed to eat today sitting on my desk between my laptop and the pencil sharpener with two bites …
I spent half my teen years suspended over the frame of my daylight basement bedroom window, either sneaking out … or sneaking back in. So …
I’ve spent the past twenty years wishing I was one of those perky, pony-tailed, runner-chicks I see on the side of the road. You know …
One boy turns to the other and says, “Just because you live here, doesn’t mean…” “I live here?” the second boy interrupts, a broad grin …
Gotta love that Billy just came in from work at midnight carrying this guy…guess who’s cleaning fish?
When Anthony came to us he was six years old. That very first day we knew we were in for a challenge. But we also …
This morning I followed a trail of broken, dry, Top Ramen noodles down the hall, across the living room and to the garbage can where …
Today I laid down 99 cents each for those balsa wood airplanes for my three youngest boys. I don’t know why…an impulse buy at the …
It’s a simple story really. A simple story with a big impact. I’ve tried to elaborate it. I’ve tried to embellish it. But in the …
As I sit here, one Hershey’s Kiss away from a coma, I’d like to express a special thanks to the makers of processed sugar for …
There are few words sweeter to parent’s ears than, “I made this for you!” said through sweet, smiling cheeks. We’ve all gotten them…those precious gifts …
There are few sentences in the world that will stop you dead in your tracks as fast as, “You have a lump.” Like hitting a …
I’m not saying I’m addicted to my phone, but I once nearly tore my nipple off on the sharp edge of wooden paneling while running …
This morning during my walk I got the opportunity to be eye level with this guy…and I took it. He didn’t move for a long …
This afternoon I got to drive an hour south to take my two smallest boys to their basketball game. And by “got” I mean “had” …
In honor of my daughter Heather’s 23rd birthday, today’s Scenic Sunday is dedicated to her! August 28, 1988
This week my doctor found a nodule on my thyroid. She sucked some blood from my body, promised test results soon and told me to …
Because we live in the sticks a trip anywhere takes a while. Most people like to crank up the radio and sing or roll down …
I have glimpses of memory from my very early childhood of my mother holding a pallet knife and a paint tray. But not long after …
As time moves quickly, just like our parents warned, most of us spend at least a small portion of time re-evaluating who we are, where …
He called me mommy on his second day in my home. People said, “Oh, how sweet!” Sweet? Not really. Totally emotionally dysfunctional? Definitely. Imagine your …
This Week In MY Life I…. Built a floor for our cabin… Enjoyed the Fall view from our property… Made friends with this guy…until his …
My mom and dad…my brothers family…and mine. All together for the first time in about fourteen years… THIS week in my life I…. Gave Billy …