Destini and Robin…ready for anything… I hate those arrogant ‘update’ blogs. As if the world is waiting, on the edge of their seat, to learn …

Destini and Robin…ready for anything… I hate those arrogant ‘update’ blogs. As if the world is waiting, on the edge of their seat, to learn …
If you’ve not been following the sage of the bear/boys/bum injury, here’s a couple of links: Bear In The Back Woods Cruisin’ For A Bruisin’ …
For the record…I don’t know how to get my blog to stop showing you TWO of the same picture in each post. Sorry. I don’t …
The scene… My two boys gathered blueberries from their secret patch near the road. Jars filled, they headed back towards the cabin, Anthony leading the …
Yesterday the kids and I found ourselves on the Ninilchik beach helping pull king salmon from the water to feed some of the village elders. …
BMOM Driving through British Columbia and Yukon Territory is like breaking into a zoo after hours and tearing down the fences. Animals roam everywhere, seeming …
After spending six months pretending we were on Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous, the adjustment back to cabin life has been a bit of …
Abandoned Mine Carlsbad Caverns Carlsbad Caverns New Mexico Carlsbad Caverns New Mexico Carlsbad Caverns New Mexico A Friendly Mule along the way… I took 1264 …
“Mom, I need some more language arts worksheets printed,” said my nearly 15 year old this morning, who needs her world aligned at all times …
It’s February 20, 2014. I’m sitting on a barstool on an island, sipping a non-fat vanilla latte, casually, as if I’ve done this before. And …
Cutie Birds on the Boardwalk SISTERS! Sunset Pelican Steven Skates the Bowl Luke…the reason they make helmets… Robin wanted to try skating… But her skateboard …
HUGE Scenic Sunday full of BIRDS! And some Dolphins. And other stuff too. Dolphins leading the ship from the harbor… Dolphins SO cute! And look, …
I’ve been asked the same question many times these past months as we travel. “How are you affording to do this? Must be nice to …
This morning the kids and I planned to wake early and leave our little cabin up the Frio River here in Texas. Yesterday we packed …
“Whaaaat the blaaaazes are Y’ALL doing in Teeeexas?” I keep hearing over and over. Well, they don’t say it like that exactly, but my ears …
Kids in front of Downtown Disney, drooling and wishing they were inside. We’ll go before we return to Alaska in the spring. Prickly tree near …
Placerita Canyon, California at the “waterfall”. Not. Kids had their FIRST ICE CREAM TRUCK EXPERIENCE! And learned about false advertising… Went swimming the day after …
It was just before noon on a Monday morning, sometime in the fall of 1988, in Phoenix, Arizona. I stood in my pale blue polo …
(If you’ve seen the animated movie, “UP”, you’ll enjoy this. If not, it might be really pointless to read!) Today we sat in our attorney’s …
We crested the hill just before our driveway in the backwoods of Alaska after six months traveling in the lower 48 and my girls jumped …
Today on Johnson Lake I think often of this site…ideas for improvement flitting through my head, one-liners jotted down in yellow notebooks, good intentions paving …
We were lounging in the cabin Saturday evening, arguing over whether MASH dvds were worth generator fuel, when my husband stood to stretch, glanced out …
For many Alaskans, “summer” means three things for sure…fish, fish and fish! We dip, catch, and net fish…we clean, cut, can, freeze and smoke fish…we …
Last night some random stranger invited my niece Amy and I on an evening boat ride around the Ventura, California Harbor. Sure, complete stranger on …
I don’t know when it started, for sure. The feeling of not feeling. A few months, maybe more. But without warning, without any clear signs …
Dan and our girl about ten years ago… It’s after midnight, which makes it Father’s Day, and one of my old foster kids just sent …
Ever since we left Alaska to winter in California a couple weeks ago I’ve been getting message after message… “What about the cabin? Are …
They say you never really know your area until you have company…or at least that’s what it seems. This past two weeks my oldest daughter, …
Yesterday I stabbed myself in the hand. Not just stabbed, but sawed, really, while cutting bacon. I knew bacon would be the death of me, …
People always remember, with clarity, the moment their lives changed. I remember the moment mine didn’t. In the spring of ’03 I had just finished …
Yesterday Luke saw two black widows and a lizard…he has had enough of California and is ready to go home now. Actually, he thought the …