I Am Mom…Do I Work? »



Last year my daughter was assigned to interview a person about their job for school.  She asked, “Can I interview my mom?”

“Does she work?” asked the teacher.

Hmmmm…do I work…

For the better part of my adult life I’ve been at home with my kids.  I don’t have a ‘job’.  I don’t get a paycheck.  I don’t get fifteen minute breaks, paid vacation or accrue overtime.

I am the cleaner-upper when a kid vomits all over her waste length hair at two a.m

I am a crawl inside the tub of icy water, hold the baby close because she’s burning up with fever…and know her screams are caused by my own hands…mom.  That’s MY JOB.    

I am the Tooth Fairy, the Easter Bunny, and Santa.  I am a stealth wrapper, stuffer, hider and under-pillow-slider, moving through the house like a silent breeze, leaving behind magic, wonder, faith and awe.  

I am a calendar.  I remember clarinets, swimsuits, science projects, lunches, homework, gym clothes, snow pants, boots and backpacks all in the ten seconds before walking out the door.

I am a detective.  I know who brushed their teeth and who only ran the water.  I know which one didn’t put on clean underwear.  I know if that quarter belongs to that child.  I know what pot smells like…and what ‘high’ acts like.

I am a lie detector.

I am a cookie maker, car-pooler, laundry-doer, rash-investigator, plate-scraper, booboo kisser, homework checker.  

I am the bench-sitters biggest fan…at every…single…game.  I’m the picture-taker, the memory-maker, the Facebook photo poster…so the moms who have to work…who pout and stomp their feet and still have to miss the game…can get a glimpse at their child’s best moment ever…and know I was there to love in their place. 

I am an advocate for special needs education.  I am a lazy teacher’s worst nightmare.  I am a good teacher’s biggest defender.  

I am hope for the ‘over-coming’ one.  I am a fixer of broken children.

I am a bedtime reader, snack-giver, milk pourer, ear cleaner.  I’m a knock-knock joke ‘who’s there-er’, a home-made necklace wearer, and an “I-made-this-for-you” collector. 

I am the one who is often jealous of those women who have a “job” or a “life” outside of their kids.  I envy their self-worth, their active brain cells, and their non-sweats-wardrobe.  I’m glad they can do it all.  I’m happy if they’ve found a balance…and I’m sad if they haven’t.  

But I am also a thankful, husband-loving, kid-raising stay-at-home mom…grateful every single day that I was given the opportunity to CHOOSE this life. 

I am a mom.

Do I work?  Hell yes, I do. 

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