(If you’ve seen the animated movie, “UP”, you’ll enjoy this. If not, it might be really pointless to read!) Today we sat in our attorney’s …

(If you’ve seen the animated movie, “UP”, you’ll enjoy this. If not, it might be really pointless to read!) Today we sat in our attorney’s …
Dan and our girl about ten years ago… It’s after midnight, which makes it Father’s Day, and one of my old foster kids just sent …
My daughter Destini wrote this for a class this year…I thought it was really good so I thought I’d share. Destini is eighteen years old …
He came to us in the summer, four years ago with a chip on his shoulder, a mouth with no filter, and a yearning for …
Found in Cooper Landing, Alaska…fighting it’s way thru the asphalt “Did you hear about the rose that grew from a crack in the concrete? Proving …
Robin the week she came to us…what’s not to love, right?! Tonight while making dinner, the boys were swapping scar stories, as boys do. Steven …
It’s about 11:30 at night and Anthony just knocked on my bedroom door to show me a poem he’d written. This work will make more …
With Father’s Day upon us, I’ve spent some time trying to put together a piece about what makes a “father” become a “dad”. I’ve scribbled …
I’m sitting here at 11 p.m. the night before Mother’s Day. Anthony, age 11, is here with me. He’s sleeping on the couch tonight so …
The tiny boy with the bright blue eyes Looked up and said to me Can I live here a long, long time? Three months, if …
I rarely talk with my long term kids about their early childhood in front of the other kids. For some reason I’ve always hesitated…I didn’t …
A while back I had Billy into the local clinic for a sports physical. The doctor scanned his chart, did some quick work with his …
One boy turns to the other and says, “Just because you live here, doesn’t mean…” “I live here?” the second boy interrupts, a broad grin …
When Anthony came to us he was six years old. That very first day we knew we were in for a challenge. But we also …
This morning I followed a trail of broken, dry, Top Ramen noodles down the hall, across the living room and to the garbage can where …
He called me mommy on his second day in my home. People said, “Oh, how sweet!” Sweet? Not really. Totally emotionally dysfunctional? Definitely. Imagine your …
In February of this year our family grew by two when Steven and Luke came to live with us. Tomorrow morning, the 19th of December, …
He was fifteen when he came to me. And even on the first day I knew he couldn’t stay. I knew it wasn’t the right …
I remember the way her hair smelled when I tucked her in under my arm. How she snuggled so close, trying to crawl back into …
In school this year, Billy was assigned to create a video called, “I Am From” that told the story of who he is. Each slide …
Written in February, 2007… Edited in June, 2011, for confidentiality… As I step into the small room I am greeted with the smell of …
She felt the pull of death and it was welcome. She lay silent, worn from screaming, her voice unheard as she lay in the shallow …
My daughter, Robin, came to us when she was six years old. We were her tenth family. This year for a school project she created …
This morning Anthony asked if any of his birth relatives had been approved for visits…like an uncle or cousin. When I asked why, he said, …
Tomorrow afternoon our son…will become our son. Legally, at least, though he’s been ours for four years. I’m going to share a few words from …
Mya and Shawnta 2004 They sit at the tiny table, the two of them. One across from the other Cutching crayons In pink fingers. …
This afternoon, as Dan woke for his night shift 800 miles away, he received my text that we were taking in a seven year old …
I’ve done it again…found myself shopping for kids online. I don’t mean buying gifts for my current children; I mean actually shopping for kids. It’s …