Destini and Robin…ready for anything… I hate those arrogant ‘update’ blogs. As if the world is waiting, on the edge of their seat, to learn …

Destini and Robin…ready for anything… I hate those arrogant ‘update’ blogs. As if the world is waiting, on the edge of their seat, to learn …
If you’ve not been following the sage of the bear/boys/bum injury, here’s a couple of links: Bear In The Back Woods Cruisin’ For A Bruisin’ …
For the record…I don’t know how to get my blog to stop showing you TWO of the same picture in each post. Sorry. I don’t …
It was just before noon on a Monday morning, sometime in the fall of 1988, in Phoenix, Arizona. I stood in my pale blue polo …
I don’t know when it started, for sure. The feeling of not feeling. A few months, maybe more. But without warning, without any clear signs …
Dan and our girl about ten years ago… It’s after midnight, which makes it Father’s Day, and one of my old foster kids just sent …
Yesterday I stabbed myself in the hand. Not just stabbed, but sawed, really, while cutting bacon. I knew bacon would be the death of me, …
People always remember, with clarity, the moment their lives changed. I remember the moment mine didn’t. In the spring of ’03 I had just finished …
I stood in line at a Carl’s Junior restaurant in Palm Desert, California, eager to order my Chicken Fried Steak sandwich and strawberry shake. Sixteen …
Once on an episode of COPS, a woman, upon being arrested, was throwing a Made-For-TV tantrum when her mother, giant breasts sagging out the sides …
Last night a young lady with a history much like my children’s wrote me a message and asked for advice. But before she asked, she …
In late August of this year I will be the proud mother of two college students. Two kids on two very different paths… Destini is …
Our Destini graduated from high school last week and in honor of her success, I’d like to embarrass her a bit by sharing a story …
I’m standing in front of the candy rack, neck kinked upwards, staring at the boxes in the top row. I can’t see inside them…they are …
This afternoon I drove down to HOOKED ESPRESSO here in Ninilchik, Alaska. Hooked is the coffee shop owned by my teen daughter, Destini. (Read about …
I was just two weeks into motherhood when I took a job at the Dairy Queen on 28th drive and Cactus in Phoenix, Arizona and …
It was more than forty years ago that my in-laws, just after giving birth to their seventh child (my husband) purchased an acre of land. …
This is not going to be well written, of that I am sure. It’s late at night, I’m tired, and I have computer access for …
Written summer, 2010…warning…this piece is long…but worth the read (or at least look at the photographs of true Alaska wilderness.) We were eighteen steps down …
Someday I hope to live child-free. And in order see that fantasy happen, I have to get them out of my house…independent…living on their own. …
Last year my daughter was assigned to interview a person about their job for school. She asked, “Can I interview my mom?” “Does she work?” …
A few weeks ago my mother’s wedding ring fell from her finger while she was shopping in town. Now, this is a small town…so there …
I just found the lunch I was supposed to eat today sitting on my desk between my laptop and the pencil sharpener with two bites …
I spent half my teen years suspended over the frame of my daylight basement bedroom window, either sneaking out … or sneaking back in. So …
I’ve spent the past twenty years wishing I was one of those perky, pony-tailed, runner-chicks I see on the side of the road. You know …
When Anthony came to us he was six years old. That very first day we knew we were in for a challenge. But we also …
This morning I followed a trail of broken, dry, Top Ramen noodles down the hall, across the living room and to the garbage can where …
Today I laid down 99 cents each for those balsa wood airplanes for my three youngest boys. I don’t know why…an impulse buy at the …
It’s a simple story really. A simple story with a big impact. I’ve tried to elaborate it. I’ve tried to embellish it. But in the …
As I sit here, one Hershey’s Kiss away from a coma, I’d like to express a special thanks to the makers of processed sugar for …
There are few words sweeter to parent’s ears than, “I made this for you!” said through sweet, smiling cheeks. We’ve all gotten them…those precious gifts …
There are few sentences in the world that will stop you dead in your tracks as fast as, “You have a lump.” Like hitting a …
I’m not saying I’m addicted to my phone, but I once nearly tore my nipple off on the sharp edge of wooden paneling while running …
This afternoon I got to drive an hour south to take my two smallest boys to their basketball game. And by “got” I mean “had” …
This week my doctor found a nodule on my thyroid. She sucked some blood from my body, promised test results soon and told me to …
Because we live in the sticks a trip anywhere takes a while. Most people like to crank up the radio and sing or roll down …
I have glimpses of memory from my very early childhood of my mother holding a pallet knife and a paint tray. But not long after …
As time moves quickly, just like our parents warned, most of us spend at least a small portion of time re-evaluating who we are, where …
Fiction Friday, my way of forcing myself to write outside my comfort zone of non-fiction, by backing myself into a corner every Thursday night. Chapter …
It’s just after midnight and if you’d driven by my house a few moments ago, you’d have seen me in my pajamas, blood up to …
I’m Keri Riley, a backwoods mom in Ninilchik, Alaska where I shuttle 8 kids around, fighting off moose, mosquitos and middle age. My husband is …
View of the Old Ninilchik Village Ninilchik, Alaska, at milepost 135 of the Sterling Highway, is a fishing village about 180 mile south of Anchorage along …
A small brush fire near my home last night brought a trooper to my door saying to prepare for the worst…the wind was taking it …
I was thinking about us today. Remembering those years when you had hair and I had a waistline. Back when we sat, feet to feet …
In 2004 I graduated with a 3.89 GPA from one of the highest rated private colleges on the west coast. And I did so, while …
I lay on top of the pale green sheets on the eighth floor of John C. Lincoln Memorial Hospital and stared out at the night. …
It’s the little things that get to you. It’s the, “Not Me” that always gets blamed. The Birds and the Bees that needs explained. It’s …
On July 7, 1988, I found myself traveling across Phoenix, Arizona in an un-air-conditioned 67 Gallaxy with red leather seats sticking to the backs of …
As parents, we spend our lives trying to be good enough. Trying to keep up. We worry that we’ve failed. We worry that we’ve screwed …
This is the first installment of Fiction Friday, my way of forcing myself to write outside my comfort zone of non-fiction, by backing myself into …
This morning I popped Anthony on the butt. I don’t normally spank my kids…gave it up years ago when I started fostering simply because it …
I’m not a good gift giver. I show up to parties without a bottle of wine. I send my kids to birthdays with no bag …
Anthony came up from his bedroom yesterday morning with a “blueprint” in hand he’d stayed up half the night creating. He’s a man with a …
“It’s odd,” I said to Destini this morning, “to watch your kids grow up and move on with their lives…I rarely hear from Heather anymore.” …
Alaska, Alaskan, backwoods, photos Jun 042011 If you give a ten year old a camera…expect great things. Here’s what Anthony has been doing with his …
She stood at the counter, baggy jeans hanging from thin hips, hooded sweatshirt tight across her swollen belly. A tight faced DMV worker on the …
I woke this morning to the sound of the clothes dryer flopping a belt around and round. Rolled over. 5:26 a.m. What the….I stuck my …
A few years ago Dan left his job and stayed home with the kids for five months so I could finish college. We had 8 …
I’ve not had television channels for eight years. I know…weird. So when my friend Jessica, who gained some notoriety a while back as Sarah Palin’s …
Tuesday was my 19th year of sending kids off on their “First Day Of School”. And as I slowed down in front of the building …
I’ve collected much junk over the years. Some of it worth keeping around, some of it only here because I can’t bring myself to drop …
House Rules 1. If it’s not yours…don’t touch it. 2. Remove your shoes at the door. Not directly in front of the door…off to the …
Last year my fifteen year old son, Billy, made me a grandmother. Not in the “Oh, for the love of God, why ME,” way that …
For those of you who either don’t have kids…have really good kids…or didn’t have any fun when YOU were a kid, “detention” is when you …
My boys play basketball with vigor, ride bikes nonstop and roll in the dirt for fun. But their favorite activity…by far…is the Native Youth Olympics. …
This afternoon, as Dan woke for his night shift 800 miles away, he received my text that we were taking in a seven year old …
As we piled the groceries onto the conveyor I could see in the cashier’s eyes that he wished we’d gone to another line. Seven gallons …
I write these sad stories about my kids…about their survival and their trials. About their successes. And my readers cry out, “Good job, mom!”…or… “Where …
Never happier than when he got his very own copy… Last week I noticed some political signs going up along the street in town. Same …
Every kid in my house is a constant reader…though four of them have, or have had at some time, a reading disability. They didn’t start …
When Destini was six years old, her eye fell out. No, really. Okay, let me back up a bit. It was a Sunday evening and …
Every father’s worst nightmare happened this morning when Destini walked into the living room, tears brimming, and said, “Daddy, I did something very bad.” Immediately, …
There are few things more impulsive than a teenage boy when accompanied by other teenage boys. Put two or more within the same vicinity and …
(Created in 2010, just before our Resurrection Trail hike…) For years my family has masqueraded outdoorsy while trapped in the gear of a penniless waif. …
A while back I received a phone call from a teacher for no other reason than to tell me how well my child was doing. …
Apparently, children learn via repetition…as demonstrated in this video of Destini at about 2 1/2 years old. Let me start by saying, Destini had an …
I found my self-worth on a hot May day in 2004 when I crossed the center stage and, holding my head high for perhaps the …
We’ve all been there… I’ve had friends…who I loved…who I couldn’t imagine my life without. Friends who were dear to me. Friends…best friends…you thought would …
They say a diamond is a girl’s best friend…and that’s true for me…if the diamond comes in the form of a sparkly new diamond blade …
Backwoods Bread I grew up on homemade bread. It was thick. It was soft. It was healthy. It was probably delicious. And I hated it. …
For six months the flu has been hovering over my body like Winnie The Pooh’s black cloud, just waiting to descend when I’m most vulnerable. …
Fiction Friday, my way of forcing myself to write outside my comfort zone of non-fiction, by backing myself into a corner every Thursday night. Chapter …
When I found a porcupine in my yard a couple of nights ago while videoing the coyotes across the driveway, it never really occurred to …
I came across this “letter of apology” today. I have dozens of them from Anthony over the past four years. Whenever he is sent to …
Fiction Friday, my way of forcing myself to write outside my comfort zone of non-fiction, by backing myself into a corner every Thursday night. To …