This blog was accidentally deleted a while back…if anybody happens by. I’m working on it!

A Home In The Mountains | Backwoods Mom
Grandpas Resting place We came to this land in June of this year, in the midst of a heatwave. We thought we could make a …

South From Alaska | Backwoods Mom
We drove south from Alaska near the end of May this year on a whim. Maybe I’m just tired of the winters. The darkness gets …

Stalk The Six Door! | Backwoods Mom
Tell us where you spotted us and share your photo in the comments! When an entire group of people standing on the edge of the …

Just Another Scenic Sunday 3-9-14 –
Abandoned Mine Carlsbad Caverns Carlsbad Caverns New Mexico Carlsbad Caverns New Mexico Carlsbad Caverns New Mexico A Friendly Mule along the way… I took 1264 …

September 22, 2012 »
My lantern oil just dimmed to nothing and left me in complete darkness but for the glow of my laptop and the internet box blinking …
Fed Up! »
My chiropractor has a chicken nugget sitting on her shelf that is four years old. And it looks like you could dip it in barbecue …