Driving through British Columbia and Yukon Territory is like breaking into a zoo after hours and tearing down the fences. Animals roam everywhere, seeming to prefer the middle of the Alcan highway. It helps to break up the monotony of the 40 hours of driving it takes to make it from Seattle to the Alaskan border.
Caribou wandering about…
Big Daddy Stone Sheep…
Stone Sheep
Little Baby Stone Sheep!!! Could they BE any cuter?
Yep, still cute!
Hundreds of bison roam along the highway….
Big Ol’ Bison
Scraggly black bear!
Elk are very curious!
Almost missed the shot of this beautiful black wolf in Yukon Territory. Snapped this through the window, then stopped, got out of truck, lined up to take another shot, and he disappeared into the woods while I lined up. Fantastic.
Only one moose the entire way through Canada!
Caribou Crossing
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