A while back I had Billy into the local clinic for a sports physical. The doctor scanned his chart, did some quick work with his …

A while back I had Billy into the local clinic for a sports physical. The doctor scanned his chart, did some quick work with his …
Anderson Hill, near Ninilchik, Alaska… In celebration of our first completed week doing our schooling at home…and after all the kids were finished with their …
A few weeks ago my mother’s wedding ring fell from her finger while she was shopping in town. Now, this is a small town…so there …
I just found the lunch I was supposed to eat today sitting on my desk between my laptop and the pencil sharpener with two bites …
I spent half my teen years suspended over the frame of my daylight basement bedroom window, either sneaking out … or sneaking back in. So …
I’ve spent the past twenty years wishing I was one of those perky, pony-tailed, runner-chicks I see on the side of the road. You know …
One boy turns to the other and says, “Just because you live here, doesn’t mean…” “I live here?” the second boy interrupts, a broad grin …
Gotta love that Billy just came in from work at midnight carrying this guy…guess who’s cleaning fish?
When Anthony came to us he was six years old. That very first day we knew we were in for a challenge. But we also …
This morning I followed a trail of broken, dry, Top Ramen noodles down the hall, across the living room and to the garbage can where …
Today I laid down 99 cents each for those balsa wood airplanes for my three youngest boys. I don’t know why…an impulse buy at the …
It’s a simple story really. A simple story with a big impact. I’ve tried to elaborate it. I’ve tried to embellish it. But in the …
As I sit here, one Hershey’s Kiss away from a coma, I’d like to express a special thanks to the makers of processed sugar for …
There are few words sweeter to parent’s ears than, “I made this for you!” said through sweet, smiling cheeks. We’ve all gotten them…those precious gifts …
There are few sentences in the world that will stop you dead in your tracks as fast as, “You have a lump.” Like hitting a …
I’m not saying I’m addicted to my phone, but I once nearly tore my nipple off on the sharp edge of wooden paneling while running …
This morning during my walk I got the opportunity to be eye level with this guy…and I took it. He didn’t move for a long …
This afternoon I got to drive an hour south to take my two smallest boys to their basketball game. And by “got” I mean “had” …
In honor of my daughter Heather’s 23rd birthday, today’s Scenic Sunday is dedicated to her! August 28, 1988
This week my doctor found a nodule on my thyroid. She sucked some blood from my body, promised test results soon and told me to …
Because we live in the sticks a trip anywhere takes a while. Most people like to crank up the radio and sing or roll down …
I have glimpses of memory from my very early childhood of my mother holding a pallet knife and a paint tray. But not long after …
As time moves quickly, just like our parents warned, most of us spend at least a small portion of time re-evaluating who we are, where …
He called me mommy on his second day in my home. People said, “Oh, how sweet!” Sweet? Not really. Totally emotionally dysfunctional? Definitely. Imagine your …
This Week In MY Life I…. Built a floor for our cabin… Enjoyed the Fall view from our property… Made friends with this guy…until his …
My mom and dad…my brothers family…and mine. All together for the first time in about fourteen years… THIS week in my life I…. Gave Billy …
Fiction Friday, my way of forcing myself to write outside my comfort zone of non-fiction, by backing myself into a corner every Thursday night. Chapter …
It’s just after midnight and if you’d driven by my house a few moments ago, you’d have seen me in my pajamas, blood up to …
I’m Keri Riley, a backwoods mom in Ninilchik, Alaska where I shuttle 8 kids around, fighting off moose, mosquitos and middle age. My husband is …
View of the Old Ninilchik Village Ninilchik, Alaska, at milepost 135 of the Sterling Highway, is a fishing village about 180 mile south of Anchorage along …
A small brush fire near my home last night brought a trooper to my door saying to prepare for the worst…the wind was taking it …
In February of this year our family grew by two when Steven and Luke came to live with us. Tomorrow morning, the 19th of December, …
I was thinking about us today. Remembering those years when you had hair and I had a waistline. Back when we sat, feet to feet …
In 2004 I graduated with a 3.89 GPA from one of the highest rated private colleges on the west coast. And I did so, while …
He was fifteen when he came to me. And even on the first day I knew he couldn’t stay. I knew it wasn’t the right …
I remember the way her hair smelled when I tucked her in under my arm. How she snuggled so close, trying to crawl back into …
In school this year, Billy was assigned to create a video called, “I Am From” that told the story of who he is. Each slide …
I lay on top of the pale green sheets on the eighth floor of John C. Lincoln Memorial Hospital and stared out at the night. …
Written in February, 2007… Edited in June, 2011, for confidentiality… As I step into the small room I am greeted with the smell of …
I put in a call to a client a few years back to arrange a trip into the village of Good News Bay, Alaska, where …
Whenever I tell people from the lower 48 that I live in Alaska, I inevitably hear the same question: “Don’t they pay you to live …
She felt the pull of death and it was welcome. She lay silent, worn from screaming, her voice unheard as she lay in the shallow …
The world is so wide here, I can see clear into yesterday from where I stand. This lake was once, a lifetime ago, home to …
Watched Billy’s OCD come out in a snowman… This week in my life I…. Had our first snowfall of the year… Watched my girls dominate …
My daughter, Robin, came to us when she was six years old. We were her tenth family. This year for a school project she created …
It’s the little things that get to you. It’s the, “Not Me” that always gets blamed. The Birds and the Bees that needs explained. It’s …
This morning Anthony asked if any of his birth relatives had been approved for visits…like an uncle or cousin. When I asked why, he said, …
This Week In My Life I… Took a nice drive to Anchorage… Saw what every Alaskan knows is the end of summer… Had a …
Tomorrow afternoon our son…will become our son. Legally, at least, though he’s been ours for four years. I’m going to share a few words from …
In August, shortly after we purchased our 40 acres, we acquired a portable band saw mill with the intent of creating our own lumber with …
This Week In My Life I… Made friends with an owl… Made friends with four moose at once… Looked for, and did not find, a …
On July 7, 1988, I found myself traveling across Phoenix, Arizona in an un-air-conditioned 67 Gallaxy with red leather seats sticking to the backs of …
As parents, we spend our lives trying to be good enough. Trying to keep up. We worry that we’ve failed. We worry that we’ve screwed …
This is the first installment of Fiction Friday, my way of forcing myself to write outside my comfort zone of non-fiction, by backing myself into …
Mya and Shawnta 2004 They sit at the tiny table, the two of them. One across from the other Cutching crayons In pink fingers. …
This morning I popped Anthony on the butt. I don’t normally spank my kids…gave it up years ago when I started fostering simply because it …
I’m not a good gift giver. I show up to parties without a bottle of wine. I send my kids to birthdays with no bag …
Anthony came up from his bedroom yesterday morning with a “blueprint” in hand he’d stayed up half the night creating. He’s a man with a …
“It’s odd,” I said to Destini this morning, “to watch your kids grow up and move on with their lives…I rarely hear from Heather anymore.” …
Alaska, Alaskan, backwoods, photos Jun 042011 If you give a ten year old a camera…expect great things. Here’s what Anthony has been doing with his …
She stood at the counter, baggy jeans hanging from thin hips, hooded sweatshirt tight across her swollen belly. A tight faced DMV worker on the …
Welcome to Alaska! I’m so glad you were able to drive all this way in your motor home to enjoy this fabulous state. We love …
I woke this morning to the sound of the clothes dryer flopping a belt around and round. Rolled over. 5:26 a.m. What the….I stuck my …
A few years ago Dan left his job and stayed home with the kids for five months so I could finish college. We had 8 …
I’ve not had television channels for eight years. I know…weird. So when my friend Jessica, who gained some notoriety a while back as Sarah Palin’s …
Tuesday was my 19th year of sending kids off on their “First Day Of School”. And as I slowed down in front of the building …
I’ve collected much junk over the years. Some of it worth keeping around, some of it only here because I can’t bring myself to drop …
House Rules 1. If it’s not yours…don’t touch it. 2. Remove your shoes at the door. Not directly in front of the door…off to the …
Last year my fifteen year old son, Billy, made me a grandmother. Not in the “Oh, for the love of God, why ME,” way that …
For those of you who either don’t have kids…have really good kids…or didn’t have any fun when YOU were a kid, “detention” is when you …
My boys play basketball with vigor, ride bikes nonstop and roll in the dirt for fun. But their favorite activity…by far…is the Native Youth Olympics. …
This afternoon, as Dan woke for his night shift 800 miles away, he received my text that we were taking in a seven year old …
Having spent the better part of my 39 years in Alaska, I’ve heard just about all of the questions you can imagine. Before I even …
This time of year in Ninilchik, Alaska, the fishing season is revving up for the summer. The halibut and king salmon charters are beginning to …
As we piled the groceries onto the conveyor I could see in the cashier’s eyes that he wished we’d gone to another line. Seven gallons …
We’ve all seen those, “You Know You Are From … If … ” groups around Facebook lately. They are kind of annoying, as you scroll …
I write these sad stories about my kids…about their survival and their trials. About their successes. And my readers cry out, “Good job, mom!”…or… “Where …
Never happier than when he got his very own copy… Last week I noticed some political signs going up along the street in town. Same …
Every kid in my house is a constant reader…though four of them have, or have had at some time, a reading disability. They didn’t start …
I’ve done it again…found myself shopping for kids online. I don’t mean buying gifts for my current children; I mean actually shopping for kids. It’s …
Object in this photo is closer than it appears… I first noticed her in the distance, blending in to the swampy foliage with her thick …
When Destini was six years old, her eye fell out. No, really. Okay, let me back up a bit. It was a Sunday evening and …
Every father’s worst nightmare happened this morning when Destini walked into the living room, tears brimming, and said, “Daddy, I did something very bad.” Immediately, …
There are few things more impulsive than a teenage boy when accompanied by other teenage boys. Put two or more within the same vicinity and …
(Created in 2010, just before our Resurrection Trail hike…) For years my family has masqueraded outdoorsy while trapped in the gear of a penniless waif. …
A while back I received a phone call from a teacher for no other reason than to tell me how well my child was doing. …
Apparently, children learn via repetition…as demonstrated in this video of Destini at about 2 1/2 years old. Let me start by saying, Destini had an …
I found my self-worth on a hot May day in 2004 when I crossed the center stage and, holding my head high for perhaps the …
We’ve all been there… I’ve had friends…who I loved…who I couldn’t imagine my life without. Friends who were dear to me. Friends…best friends…you thought would …
They say a diamond is a girl’s best friend…and that’s true for me…if the diamond comes in the form of a sparkly new diamond blade …
On more than one occasion I’ve wondered just how wise it is to hang out in bear country, eating greasy hotdogs next to a salmon …
For more than twenty years I wanted to know how to make log furniture…I’m talking cut the tree down, pack it out of the woods, …
Backwoods Bread I grew up on homemade bread. It was thick. It was soft. It was healthy. It was probably delicious. And I hated it. …
For six months the flu has been hovering over my body like Winnie The Pooh’s black cloud, just waiting to descend when I’m most vulnerable. …
Photo courtesy Charles Lampe-Kaktovik, Alaska Yesterday Sandi’s daughter, Kendra, climbed into a twenty foot boat with a group of close friends and family. They pushed …
My chiropractor has a chicken nugget sitting on her shelf that is four years old. And it looks like you could dip it in barbecue …
Fiction Friday, my way of forcing myself to write outside my comfort zone of non-fiction, by backing myself into a corner every Thursday night. Chapter …
When I found a porcupine in my yard a couple of nights ago while videoing the coyotes across the driveway, it never really occurred to …
I came across this “letter of apology” today. I have dozens of them from Anthony over the past four years. Whenever he is sent to …
Fiction Friday, my way of forcing myself to write outside my comfort zone of non-fiction, by backing myself into a corner every Thursday night. To …